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مكبر صوت لاسلكي قابل للنقل من السلسلة X موديل SRS-XE300 من سوني

صوت أوسع مع الناشر ذي الشكل الخطي

وحدة X-Balanced Speaker Unit للحصول على صوت قوي وواضح

مقاوم للمياه ومقاوم للغبار بتصنيف IP67

عمر البطارية 24 ساعات وشحن سريع

بفضل حجمه القابل للنقل، يمكنك اصطحابه معك إلى أي مكان

مكبر صوت لاسلكي قابل للنقل من السلسلة X موديل SRS-XE300 من سوني

احصل على مكافآت مع برنامج مكافآت سوني
ما هي نقاط برنامج مكافآت سوني؟

برنامج مكافآت سوني هو برنامج ولاء مجاني يمكنك من خلاله ربح 5% من نقاط المكافآت (بناءً على قيمة الطلب بدون ضريبة القيمة المضافة). وما عليك سوى تسجيل الدخول أو الانضمام الآن لربط حساب برنامج مكافآت سوني الخاص بك بحساب Sony Store. انقر هنا لمعرفة المزيد

السعر العادي AED 299
السعر العادي AED 799 سعر البيع AED 299
عرض متوفر قريبا
شامل الضريبة. شحن محسوبة عند الخروج.

يتم الشحن خلال 24-48 ساعة

أو 4 دفعات AED 75 لا فوائد، لا رسوم. يتعلم أكثر
عرض التفاصيل الكاملة

أهم ميزات المنتج

  • صوت أعرض لحفلات أفضل: يحتوي مكبر الصوت XE300 على موزع على شكل خط (Line-Shape Diffuser) يساعد في وصول صوتك إلى مسافات أبعد من ذي قبل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن حجمه القابل للنقل وعمر البطارية الذي يصل إلى 24 ساعة، يجعلان منه الشريك المثالي لحفلتك القادمة.
  • تقديم الموزع على شكل خط (Line-Shape Diffuser): ينشئ الموزع على شكل خط (Line-Shape Diffuser) الفريد من سوني، المستوحى من أنظمة الصوت المستخدمة في الحفلات الموسيقية الاحترافية، مصدرًا للخطوط ويوزع طاقة الصوت بشكل أكثر مساواة، عبر واجهة صوتية عريضة، ليملأ موقعك بالصوت بشكل أفضل. ويؤدي هذا إلى نشر الصوت عالي الجودة بشكل أبعد وأعرض في كل أرجاء موقعك، بدون المساس بجودة الصوت.
  • ما الذي يفعله الموزع على شكل خط: مع الناشر ذي الشكل الخطي، ينتشر الصوت أكثر إلى المنطقة الأمامية لمكبر الصوت، مما يتيح لك الاستمتاع بجودة الصوت نفسها سواء أكنت أمام مكبر الصوت أو بجانبه. وهذا يعني أنه يمكن لأي شخص يتواجد في موقعك الرقص على الموسيقى نفسها والشعور بجودة الصوت نفسها. أ=منطقة الخدمة التقليدية ب=منطقة خدمة أوسع مع الناشر ذي الشكل الخطي
  • طريقة العمل: على عكس مكبر الصوت التقليدي حيث تتركز معظم الطاقة من وسط المخروط، يُعيد الناشر ذو الشكل الخطي الفريد من نوعه تركيز الصوت من خلال فتحة عدسة ضيقة. وتعمل الزيادة في طاقة ضغط الصوت على نشر الصوت بشكل متساوٍ في كل اتجاه على نطاق أبعد وأوسع من مكبر الصوت.
  • ما هي X-Balanced Speaker Unit؟ : على عكس الغشاء الدائري في وحدة مكبر صوت تقليدي، تتضمن وحدة X-Balanced Speaker Unit المطورة حديثًا في مكبر الصوت XE300 غشاءً غير دائري، مما يحقق ضغط صوت أكبر للحصول على صوت عالي الجودة.

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
A Speaker that Kept the party going on holiday.

So I got this speaker just before going on holiday, I tried it out a few times at home but wanted to wait until i could take it with me to have that party atmosphere by the hot tub. With its waterproof rating i thought i would test the durability and battery life while away.
Like other recent Sony products packaging is suitable for recycling so great if you're someone who thinks about the enviroment.
The speaker looks good and is a great shape to stand on end or its side. Its simple to use and easy to connect.
Whilst away 1 battery charge was ample and the speaker was used at various times throughout the holiday.
What impressed me in particular was the didtance the bluetooth remained connected as i walked around the cottage with the speaker xonnected to my phone. I found this allowed me not to have to think about leaving my phone right next to the device.
My one observation would be the additional apps that you can download from the QR code could be improved as they seemed quite basic.
Another great product by Sony

Stylish speaker with superb sound

I have been using the Sony SRS-XE300 for about 6 weeks now and have been delighted with its qualities.

It has performed brilliantly in a variety of settings, lounge, large church hall with poor acoustics. I havent used it outside yet.

I have been impressed with the clarity of the music with its solid bass line. The volume is remarkable and able to fill a large room with ease. The sound is very evenly distributed across the room.

Setting up to both an iPhone and iPad was very straight forward with excellent Bluetooth connectivity.

The shape of the speaker is unusual - pentagonal and stands about 12 inches tall. It has a very solid feel to it, weighing about 2.5 lbs. There is no handle so it is not so easily carried although it can fit in one hand comfortably - I have large hands though.

The battery life is superb with no concerns that it might fail in the middle of a session.

All in all a great speaker with great sound and versatility.

Great build quality but average sound.

I have had two Sony SRS-XB20 speakers was was immediately struck by the size of the box and then the XE300 speaker itself it seemed huge in comparison and as it turned out was over twice the weight.
By chance the speaker arrived just days before setting off on holiday and as we were travelling by car rather than plane including it with the luggage wasnt a problem and I looked forward to testing it with eleven family members ranging from 9-68 years!

Before leaving home I ensured it was set up and working and this was relatively easy. It came pre charged which meant I could quickly start pairing with various devices. Pairing with my iPad was swift and straightforward but frustratingly I couldnt pair it with my Android phone which was frustrating to say the least especially as the very basic instructions that came with the device made it all look so simple. Luckily other family members were able to connect their iPhones with ease.

It is certainly a robust and well built product and th

Battery powered amazing sound

When I first unpacked this speaker I was a little confused , I werent sure where the front was , its actually quite clever how this works, the sound is projected out at an angle from both sides giving a bigger sound stage , the battery did have a charge but I opted to charge it up.
It charged for a few hours (4 ish) the speakers first use was round at my allotment, I like to stream the local radio station from my phone when Im there, once you set up a Bluetooth connection (very easy) whenever you turn the speaker on it connects very quickly to my phone.
After a day of use the speaker was showing a battery level of 80%.
At work we listen to a radio soI brought the speaker in so I could listen to a music app, didnt matter where I went in the building the speaker remained connected to my phone, I was impressed with that, as others have struggled again all day use and still power left in the battery , quite amazing really.
At home I use it for background music streamed from my phone ,

The Sony XE300...A 'No Nonsence' BT Speaker!

First impressions, out-of-the-box, of the Sony SRS-XE300...Smooth, slender looking and aesthetically beautiful but it's a chunky speaker (not in a heavy way though) and cries out "I am not as portable as you think I am".
In my opinion, the XE300 makes an excellent house/garden party speaker through and through, yes it's portable in the sense it can be moved from inside to outside and back again easily but transporting it to say the beach or on holiday is gonna take up space in your bag (I think XE300s little brother, the XE200 with it's smaller form factor, would be better suited to this). You will have no issue with this around water due to the XE300s IP67 rating and they can also take a knock or two, Sonys portable speakers are some of the most durable I have ever come across.
The XE300 is taking it back to basics as well... just one single USB C port in sight for charging (or not when the rubber flap is closed for waterproofing), no aux connection for hardwiring...just a Bluetooth c